The Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface System
What is measured by the QXCI device?” This
incredible advancement in medicine measures subtle electrical factors of the body.The history of alternative medicine has been dominated by old style resistance measuring devices.
We are now faced with the discovery that new technology has infinitely surpassed those parameters. Such antique instruments depend upon the operator to apply the probe to an acupuncture point. By subtly changing the speed of probe delivery (not the pressure), the operator often influenced the outcome.This prevents true results. The other complication was the limitation of resistance only testing.The body is much more complicated than just resistance.The electrical factors of the body include voltage, amperage, capacitance, inductance, frequency, and many others.
QXCI - Looking through Tomorrow's Eyes
Other calculations are made mathematically.
Resistance cannot be measured directly.
It must be calculated from an amperage or voltage meter. Similarly, a capacitance meter cannot directly measure capacitance; it must do a mathematical adjustment of voltage and amperage
These calculations are referred to as virtual or mathematical measures.So The one-channel resistance devices such as the antique
electro-acupuncture instruments as well as the Listen(Best), Voll, Phasix,
Bicom, Mora, and a host of others are virtual measuring devices.
Small Minds See
New Technology As A Threat
Great Spirits See
New Technology As An Opportunity
So the QXCI also measures over forty virtual dimensions.
The variations of amperage and voltage flow
give us a way to measure capacitance and inductance. These are the reflections of static and magnetic effects of
bioelectricity.Variations in amperage
and voltage allow us to measure frequency.
You cannot measure a frequency with a resistance meter.
So frequency was left out of the one-channel
resistance systems of old.
Changes in the voltage, amperage, and resistance together make up the reactance and susceptance of the electrical system. This is the most important measure of medication testing.
Resistance alone is helpful but when coupled with voltage and amperage the medication testing is greatly improved. True complete electrical reactance is the best measure of biological
resistance.But multiple channels are
needed to measure total reactivity.So
in all, the QXCI measures a total of 52 channels of information.
From these calculations several other ramifications can be surmised.The bioresonance of the system can be measured.The reaction of
the body to nosodes, idodes, allersodes, sarcodes, classic homeopathics,
herbals, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, hormones, bacteria, fungus, parasites,
nerves, vertebrae, muscles, and thousands of other compounds.
The resonance of the system is measured by determining
the evoked potential or reaction of the body to these compounds.
Evoked potential is the electrical reaction of a patient to a stimulus. By analyzing the patient’s
evoked potential or change in the above 52 measures, we can see the patterns within
the energetic body of the patient.
The speed of this reaction is rather quick.
The body electric is drawn towards nutrition
and repelled from toxins.This is discussed in detail in the Promorpheus. (Dr. Nelson’s two-volume book set on
Quantum Biology).
The speed of reactivity is controlled by the speed of ionic
exchange, this is the speed of change in metabolic reaction.
This speed is approximately one
one-hundredth of a second.The QXCI
device is calibrated for each individual patient.
The added benefit is that now the system will perform
without conscious intervention.The
users of the old resistance probe devices can easily alter the speed of probe
pressure slightly thereby affecting the reading. The doctor and the patient will not be able to exert conscious
influence over the results, because the QXCI system will not notify what is
being tested.
Electro-acupuncture/Meridian” A well-known system
that balances the acupuncture meridians by adjusting them with harmonic
frequency techniques.
Rife Technique or Auto Freq. System: A system which
automatically stimulates and harmonizes the polarity disturbances of the
Tri-vector: This unique method automatically
filters body frequencies (like the Mora and Bicom Devices) then adjusts the
Tri-vector Field to precise capacities for maximum health.
Color/Music Program: Offers a classical color/music
technique to the client by selecting and presenting the most important color
that will enhance the person’s healing ability.
Scaler Program: This system works with the human
hormone/endocrine and chakra systems.
Allergy Testing: An interactive system in which
the client and the therapist work together to achieve a much deeper desensitization
solution to allergy problems.
Homeopathic Activation Program: Consisting of
over 3000 homeopathic and crystal energies this program presents the body with
a holo-linguistic energetic of a remedy, thus stimulating the body to produce
its own response.
Spinal Energetic Evaluation: Pinpoints energetic
disturbances in each vertebrae then evaluates the NEC link.
QXCI - Looking through Tomorrow's Eyes
- Phobia
Control Via NLP
- Tens
therapy For Pain Control
- Dental
Analysis Program
- Brain
Wave Pattern Evaluation
- Voice
Pattern Analysis
- Subspace
Morphic Transfer
- Biorhythms
- Miasm
- Detoxification
- Iridology
- Organ
Reactivity Evaluation
- Wellness
- Muscle
- Herbal
And Nutritional Charts and Information.
- Plus,
many, many others!
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QXCI Quantum Xrroid Medical Consciousness Interface System.
DISCLAIMER: The QXCI system is to be used as a Biofeedback Multimedia System. It is designed for stress detection and stress reduction. The device does not diagnose anyone. Only a Licensed Medical Practitioner can diagnose a patient, using medical devices designed specifically for diagnosis.. This system is calibrated to measure the fine and subtle electrical and subspace reactions to a group of biological and medical substances. The sensitivity is set so fine as to pick up the earliest sign of disease and distress. Thus the results might (may) be below the client recognition. The readings should be evaluated by trained staff.
No claims are made of the system or results. No invasive procedures, no drugs, no surgery, just a naturopathic approach combining wisdom and technology, for YOU to make better decisions, particularly about your lifestyle and diet. Learn more in hope of living more. If you are benefiting from treatments of your medical doctor, STAY WITH IT.
If you are NOT making headway or gaining relief from your medical doctor, we suggest and even urge you firmly to learn more about naturopathic remedies, which help us to heal ourselves from the inside out.
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QXCI - Looking through tomorrow's eyes today
Dr David Cohen invites YOU to learn more about QXCI - Quantum Xroid Interface Consciousness